Mental Illness

Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD)


An obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental illness that leads an individual to recount an unwanted obsession or thought, compulsion, and the desire to do something repeatedly. Obsessive thinking might include the individual’s likeness and dislikeness of specific colors or numbers. In contrast, compulsiveness can be an individual desire to wash their hands very often after getting in touch with something that could be dirty.

Symptoms of Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD)

People with obsessive-compulsive disorder can only experience indications of either obsession or compulsion.

  • Symptoms of obsession: An individual with OCD often fears being infected by getting in touch with the objects that others may have touched. The symptoms are frequent; unwanted thoughts, persistent desires, and ideas can lead to anxiety or desperation. Moreover, people with OCD often doubt that they didn’t switch off their electricity, or stove, or lock their door. Similarly, individuals encounter immense stress when the objects are not placed orderly and in the right direction. Some possible symptoms of obsession could be shouting inappropriately in a crowd of people, and trying to avoid obsessiveness can create shaking of hands.
  • Symptoms of compulsion: The symptoms of compulsion can be frequent washing of hands until the skin of the hands becomes raw, frequently confirming the door are locked, and the stove is off. Moreover, some individuals experience the symptoms of counting specific patterns and silently repeating the phrase. Similarly, they also tend to arrange the objects in a particular direction. The obsessive-compulsion disorder often starts from a young age or in young adults. The symptoms can begin gradually and vary throughout an individual’s life, and they can worsen with the increased stress level. OCD is usually considered a lifetime illness, starting from mild to severe symptoms.

When do you need to visit the Doctor?

An individual is advised to visit a physician when the obsession and compulsion start affecting an individual’s daily life. If the stress level over the direction and cleanliness of things increases and causes damage to the mental health of an individual, then a person must visit the doctor to discuss the mental distress and get treatment accordingly.

Causes of Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD)

The possible causes of OCD are:

  • Physical factors: It can cause a change in brain function or the body’s natural chemistry.
  • Genetics: Genetics can be one of the leading causes of OCD. An individual can inherit such illnesses from their family members.
  • Observing Elder’s behavior having OCD: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can be practiced by viewing the elders performing obsessive or compulsive tasks in front of youngsters. The children often tend to perform such functions after watching their adults performing, and they gradually get OCD.

Diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD)

During a visit to the consultant, the physician asks various questions about the patient’s condition, such as the person’s daily routine and how OCD symptoms affect their performance. Moreover, they might also have questions related to the medication. As there is no specific examination for OCD, the consultant would prepare a particular questionnaire about the patient’s condition to help diagnose the disorder.

Possible treatment for Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  • Psychotherapy: A therapy can help change the individual’s thinking pattern and reduce their anxiety level.
  • Relaxation: Relaxation can perform through a workout like yoga, meditation, and massage to relieve an individual’s stress level.
  • Neuromodulation: Physicians usually suggest neuromodulation when the patient does not get enough improvement from the therapy and the medication. The consultant may advise the machine to amend the electric movement in some brain parts. FDA is recognized for OCD treatment that utilizes magnetic fields to stimulate the nerve cells.


  • retrieved on April 04, 2022.
  • retrieved on April 04, 2022.
  • retrieved on April 04, 2022.
  • retrieved on April 04, 2022.